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Case for Council Housing pamphlet
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The 2nd edition of the DCH 'Case for Council Housing' pamphlet contains 76 pages of articles, research, quotes, cartoons and pictures that provides essential background reading for every tenant and trade union activist, councillors and others who want to put a positive case for council housing and argue against privatisation.

Individual copies are £5 (inc postage). Bulk orders £2.50 per copy.

Some of the main articles are available below as Word (.doc) files.

Introduction (Austin Mitchell MP)
Birmingham campaign (Frank Chance, Lynn Jones MP, Cllr David Williams and others)
Public Not Private (Mick Graham GMB)
More Debt or More Council Housing (Prof Peter Ambrose)
Black & Asian tenants defend principle of council housing (Councillor Kumar Murshid)
Unity in action - Newcastle (Frankie Shepherd and Kenny Bell)
Housing associations - a poor record (Gerald Kaufman MP)
How to fund investment in council housing (Colin Meech UNISON)
We're stopping the robbery (Eileen Short)
Transfer: What they say
The tenants movement - a proud history and a fighting future (Pat Maddocks, Liverpool Fed and others)
Tenants, Histories and Movements (John Grayson, Northern College)
Put Money Into Bricks and Mortar (Brian Iddon MP)
Union supports direct action on housing (Jack Dromey, TGWU)
Transfer wastes public money (DCH Evidence to National Audit Office)
PFI: another road to privatisation (John McDermott, Leeds UNISON and Frank Pullan Chair, Little London TA)
ALMO is the new road to privatisation (Silla Carron, Lesley Fox, Brian Pordage, Dave Rodgers and Alan Walter)
Housing Associations - market driven to business goals (Jeremy Corbyn MP)
Right to Buy or Right to Rent? (Alf Chandler, TAROE)
Rent Restructuring Threat (Steve Hurran, Lewisham Fed)
Privatising Council Housing: The Global Agenda (Dexter Whitfield, Centre for Public Services)
Conclusion (Alan Walter)