DCH has produced a list of questions for candidates standing in the election to put the ‘fourth option’ for council housing at the centre of the political debate.


Download the questions from the DCH website. Ask every candidate standing in your area whether they agree (Yes/No) to the ten questions and if they agree to:


“I support the campaign for a 'fourth option'… and pledge to join with tenants, trade unions, councillors and MPs to urge the next government to agree the ‘fourth option’ to allow councils to invest in their homes and give tenants real choice.”


Send each candidate a copy, raise the questions at any hustings meetings and discuss with local tenants organisations whether it is feasible to organise a special meeting for candidates to discuss the future of council housing. Contact your local press, radio and TV and suggest they do a feature/slot covering how candidates respond.


Please let DCH know the responses you receive so we can publish them on the campaign website