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Council house building essential to beat housing crisis, says LGA
Councillor Martin Tett, housing spokesman at the Conservative-led Local Government Association (LGA), called for bold new action from Government and a renaissance in house building by councils.

The LGA was responding to Government report on house building showing building started on 36,400 homes April-June 2016, way below the level needed to tackle the housing crisis.
For LGA, Councillor Tett, leader of Buckinghamshire County Council, said
The private sector clearly has an important role to play but these figures only serve to confirm that they cannot build the homes we need on its own, and will likely be further restricted by uncertainties in the months and years ahead.

Councils want to get on with the job of building the new homes that people in their areas desperately need.

If we are to stand any chance of solving our housing crisis, councils must be able to replace sold homes and reinvest in building more of the genuine affordable homes our communities desperately need now more than ever.

29 Aug 2016


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