Councillors, trade unions and MPs including Jeremy Corbyn MP are signing up to resist attacks on council housing: see statement.
Latest Government proposals on rents and forced market sale of council homes, would sabotage the 'self-financing' of council housing. Tenants welcome a rent cut but not more backdoor cuts: see Compensate Councils for rent cut.
MPs investigating the impact of Right to Buy and other proposals, are inviting evidence by 28 August as part of a CLG inquiry into future of Housing Associations.
Means test and market rent Charging market rents for tenant households earning £30,000 a year (£40,000 in London) is unjustified and unworkable. It would penalise tenant family members getting better paid jobs and overtime, and undermine mixed communities. Trade unions will be a key part of a campaign to prevent means testing by Councils and housing associations - see model resolution.
Opposition to Government proposals is spreading - see The Tenants and Housing Summit 13 June helped co-ordinate some of the growing opposition; report here .
What you can do Sign and circulate the statement against RTB2 sell offs Tell MPs why market sale of council housing is wrong by 28 August: use this form Discuss means testing model resolution, contact people affected, get in touch to help organise this campaign Link up with anti bedroom tax and benefit campaigners to revive local groups Save the date: 28 September 6pm Brighton Tenants and Housing meeting at Labour conference
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Labour Conference meeting
Housing Act Summit 22 October
Oppose NoHousing Bill
Right to Buy2: Stop sell-offs
Southwark march 25 March
Council Housing: Time To Invest
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