A national day of protest at Bedroom Tax, and other benefit Sanctions and cuts this Thursday 11th will keep up pressure on MPs. Protests outside Parliament and Department of Work and Pensions in London, and around the country, will demand ending the Bedroom Tax, and other benefit cuts. See details, leaflet and petition here .
And at Labour's conference 21-24 September, tenants will call for a commitment to build 100 per cent council housing on public land, as part of a large-scale programme of council house building. This is essential to meet the growing need for secure and really affordable housing for rent.
Councils' housing proposals for the next Government include measures to support council housing, by removing housing borrowing caps and reforming Right to Buy regulation. But proposals from the Local Government Association, also include using public land for private housing development: see LGA proposal for housing. Using public land for private housing will intensify the crisis of unaffordable housing, and erode the potential for the essential alternative of mass new council house building.
The priority use of public land must be to build more council housing as an alternative to unaffordable private and mortgages. Councils need to support tenants resisting Ministers and developers, who want to redefine council housing as 'brownfield' sites for private redevelopment: see Minister's foreword to Savills research proposal, page 2.
Opposition is focusing on the MIPIM property fair, in London 15-17 October. A meeting and protests organised by tenants and trade unions is challenging the trade in land and homes: details here . What's Happening - Dates 11 September National day of Protest at Bedroom Tax, Sanctions and Benefit Cuts details, leaflet and petition here 16 September public meeting Unite the Union London WCIX 8TN details here 23 September DCH meeting at Labour Conference 6pm Manchester Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount St M2 5NS