Tenants fighting the Bedroom Tax and other benefit cuts, are joining a Benefit Justice Summit on 9 March. The Summit will bring together tenants, trade unions, disabled people and other campaigners against benefit cuts which are already hitting many, and will be devastating for thousands more from April - see Benefit Justice flyer
Defend Council Housing, with Disabled People Against Cuts, Right to Work, tenants groups and campaigns, Unite and PCS trade unions and growing numbers of MPs, are supporting a united Benefit Justice campaign - see Joint Letter
To register for the Benefit Justice summit on 9 March in central London contact benefitjustice@gmail.com, register at www.benefitjustice.wordpress.com, or contact info@defendouncilhousing.org.uk.
London Council housing review The London Assembly are reviewing the possible role of council housing in meeting London's housing needs. They want submissions by 1 March. See information here and contact Teodozja.Kuncewicz@london.gov.uk for details or to submit evidence.
Dates Wirral meeting against Bedroom Tax Wed 27th Feb 7.30pm Laurie's Castle, Cloughton Rd CH41 6EY see facebook link Benefit Justice Summit9 March 11am University of London Union, Malet St London WC1E 7HY leaflet and booking details here
Further information from www.defendcouncilhousing.org.uk
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Labour Conference meeting
Housing Act Summit 22 October
Oppose NoHousing Bill
Right to Buy2: Stop sell-offs
Southwark march 25 March
Council Housing: Time To Invest
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