This press release was issued on 20/01/12

Stop privatisation; improve existing and build a new generation of first class council housing
Press Statement for release on 20 Jan 2012
Riot Eviction Halted by Campaign
A Council has backed down from threats to evict tenant families following the August 2010 riots.
Wandsworth Council has backed off the eviction process against Maite de la Calva - see BBC report. This is a warning precedent for other Councils who want to punish innocent council tenants. The threat to Maite and her eight year old daughter was based on a 'good behaviour' clause in her tenancy. Maite was issued with a Notice Seeking Possession without even the normal prior tenant interview, due to her 18 year old son's involvement in riot events.
DCH supported a campaign involving tenants and neighbours against the eviction - see meeting report. Eileen Short of Defend Council Housing says: 'Such evictions represent collective, double-punishment for council tenants. This is not just and tenants will not accept such treatment. We are determined to defend secure tenancies for present and future tenants.'
Tenants of other Councils are fighting similar eviction threats, and proposals to impose new wide-ranging 'behaviour' clauses in tenancies. Hackney tenants are opposing a clause similar to the one Wandsworth attempted to use against this family. A public meeting in the House of Commons 21 February will launch a series of meetings around the country, to challenge government attacks on tenancies, rents and benefits.
LONDON 21 Feb 6.30 House of Commons committee room 14 with Ken Loach, director Cathy come Home; MPs, councillors and tenants
LEEDS 24 Feb details to follow
CAMBRIDGE 16 March 7pm Arbury Community Centre, Campkin Rd
HARLOW 29 March details to follow.
Others to be confirmed include Colchester, Bracknell, Manchester.
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